Black Pepper Powder 14 OZ Kali Mirch Powder KhanaPakana Brand


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Black Pepper Powder 14 OZ by Khanapakana

Black pepper comes from the pepper plant, a smooth woody vine that can grow up to 33 feet in hot and humid tropical climates. They begin to bear small white clustered flowers after 3 to 4 years and develop into berries known as peppercorns. Ground peppercorns produce the spice we call pepper. Black pepper, green pepper and white peppercorns are actually the same fruit (Piper nigrum); the difference in their color is a reflection of varying stages of development and processing methods.
Black peppercorns are made by picking the pepper berries when they are half ripe and just about to turn red. They are then left to dry which causes them to shrivel and become dark in color. Black pepper is the most pungent and flavorful of all types of peppers and it is available as whole or cracked peppercorns or ground into powder.

Wake up taste buds

Manufactured/Packed for:
Product Weight: 14 OZ (397 Grams)
Storage Instructions: Black pepper should be kept in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark and dry place. Whole peppercorns will keep almost indefinitely, while ground pepper will stay fresh for about three months. Pepper can also be frozen although this will make its flavor more pronounced.
Package: Packet
Culinary Uses:

Add pepper that you have freshly ground in a mill at the end of the cooking process. Since it loses its flavor and aroma if cooked for too long, adding it near the end will help to preserve its flavor

Coat steaks, skewed paneer or chicken with crushed peppercorns before cooking.

Keep a pepper mill on your dining table so that you can add its intense spark to a host of different recipes that you prepare.

Olive oil, lemon juice, salt and black pepper powder make a delicious salad dressing.

Health Benefits:

Black pepper stimulates the taste buds in such a way that an alert is sent to the stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretion, thereby improving digestion.

Black pepper is an excellent source of manganese, a very good source of iron and vitamin K, and a good source of dietary fiber

Black pepper has long been recognized as a carminitive, (a substance that helps prevent the formation of intestinal gas), a property likely due to its beneficial effect of stimulating hydrochloric acid production. In addition, black pepper has diaphoretic (promotes sweating), and diuretic (promotes urination) properties.

Black pepper has demonstrated impressive antioxidant properties.

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